With a major in International Hospitality & Tourism Management

Program Director
: Sidney C. Justiana MBA




First Year 

Goal First Year 


“Doing the existing well”

Content First Year
The World of Hospitality
In this module, students are introduced to with the business model and the hospitality model of ICUC. They become familiar with the hospitality industry by systematically gathering information about hospitality organizations and by translating that information into both models; they learn the importance of information and information processes; they are introduced to ICT and they learn to work with it and with various other sources of information. They learn team work skills. They are taught how to develop a small-scale information plan.
The students also learn to construct a performance plan for a large-scale hospitality event (by being “thrown in at the deep end”).
In the Skotel practical, the student learns to live (reside, work and relax) in accordance with norms and values based on the hospitality industry.
Skotel is mandatory and has a duration of 10 months.
Hospitality Operations 1 + 2
Incl. Management Skills A/B
In this module students learn the basic technical and social skills of the primary process of a hospitality organization according to the prevailing rules and with the accompanying aspects of attitude.
In HOOPS 1 the student is involved in the primary processes and the accompanying theory. He is also challenged to analyze the usual standards for effectiveness and efficiency and to apply them in the hotel assignment.
The first preparations for the parents’ day are also made, including the writing of a concomitant plan of approach. The rest of the time the student is at work in various practical outlets where the student functions at beginner’s level. This means that the student works without any time pressure and under supervision.
The student reaches the final level in HOOPS 2, where he functions independently and under time pressure. The parents’ day is also held in this module.
TMS (Training in Management Skills) workshops are given throughout HOOPS. In workshops and on the job the student learns how to optimize the execution of the work through good teamwork with the colleagues and good communication with colleagues and guests.  
Languages Level 1
The student learns written and oral communication in two modern languages (English, and one out of Spanish/French) at the executive level in a hospitality business: between staff-guest and between staff-staff. This program is continued in stage 2.
Introduction to Hospitality Business Administration & Finance Basics
This introductory module on hospitality business administration aims to contribute in the development of competent hospitality leaders by introducing the students in the knowledge –skills and attitude of successful operating a hospitality business.
A means that has been found to be very suitable in this holistic approach is the development of a business plan as a group assignment. The knowledge of the key functions of a business will be applied in the development of an elementary business plan for a new hospitality venture and the team work creates the exposure to attitude issues, completing this module as an integrated whole of the three competences: knowledge – skills – and attitude.
Craft Level
Industrial Release
During the craft level industrial release, a student is immersed in a wide variety of - mostly primary - processes of a quality hospitality establishment. Using the business model and the hospitality model, the student must describe the business, or several of its departments, and make a small-scale analysis of the quality of operations.

Course Description
World of Hospitality
The “World of Hospitality” module is your first step on the way to obtaining the title “Bachelors Program in Hospitality & Tourism Management”. This first step is very important: it will set a trend for the rest of the course. The “World of Hospitality” module has two objectives: to give an exemplary outline of what you can expect from the rest of the course, and at the same time to give information on what is expected of you.
What does the Program offer in the “World of Hospitality” module?
1. First of all, the “World of Hospitality “module introduces you to the hospitality industry. Many of you might already have worked in hotels or restaurants, but the hospitality industry covers a much broader field than just that. It also covers, for example, theme parks, airlines, hospitals and other care institutions. Both the business and the social side of this industry will be discussed, and you will soon see how wide and varied the subject that you have chosen to study at is.
2. To successfully complete the course that you have chosen to follow, you will have to acquire a number of skills.  All students attending an institute for higher professional education have to be able to put their thoughts in writing in a (grammatically) correct and logical manner. Not only must you be able to present your ideas correctly on paper, but you must also be able to do this using the computer. Modern information technology demands that you can use computers, Internet and other information media competently. Practical instructions and courses in written communication, computer training and web-site development will therefore also form part of the “World of Hospitality” module. The huge amounts of information that modern man has at his disposal make it imperative for students to be able to cope with information and communication processes (both inside and outside the workplace). For this reason, a sizeable portion of the module is devoted to the management of communication and information processes. Furthermore, the hospitality industry is still a “people industry”, which constantly requires you to work both with and for others. The series of workshops on Training in Teamwork ensures that the necessary attention is paid to interpersonal skills.
3. In addition to this you must also be able to create a safe environment for yourself and for your guests; for this reason this module also pays considerable attention to safety at work.

Finance Basic
To be announced

English level 1
To be announced

Introduction Hospitality Business Administration
The candidates should have the knowledge, skills and attitude to develop as a group assignment an elementary business plan for a hospitality business in order to understand and apply with the required professional attitude decision-making in the key functions of a hospitality business, management – marketing – and finance.
In this module the following competences will be focused on:
Knowledge Competences
    • The student understands the basic knowledge of and the relationship between the key functions of a business:  management – marketing – and finance.
Skill Competences
With Finance as a primary reference, the student is capable of and seeks the challenge to:
    • Development Business Plan: The student is able to apply in a realistic situation the knowledge of the key business functions of a business in a business plan.
    • Plan – Do – Act – Check: The student is able to transform ideas into a plan with specific goals, activities and results within the required timeframe.
    • Written and Oral Communication: The student is able to write and give an oral presentation of the business plan
Attitude Competences
    • Learning Ability: The student is able and motivated to learn from every instance, and aims to become familiar with new knowledge, the skills and professional attitude.
    • Team Work: The student is able to work effectively in a team
Sensitivity: The student is able to consider the concerns and sensitivities of the team members and realizes his or her own influence on this.

English level 2
To be announced

Hospitality Performance A
In Hospitality Performance A you become acquainted with the basic skills needed in the hospitality industry in the kitchen, restaurant and the hotel. In Hospitality Performance B, these basic skills are further honed and practised at the required final level. The various parts take place in periods (modules) of 8 weeks.

Spanish level 1
To be announced

To be announced

Hospitality Performance B
In Hospitality Performance A you become acquainted with the basic skills needed in the hospitality industry in the kitchen, restaurant and the hotel. In Hospitality Performance B, these basic skills are further honed and practised at the required final level. The various parts take place in periods (modules) of 8 weeks.

Industrial release
The course trains managers and entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry, nationally and internationally. The program leads to the Bachelor in International Hospitality and Tourism Management.
The primary goal of the Industrial Release is to enable students to acquire practical experience at operational level in the hospitality industry. You apply the knowledge acquired during the first year of the course in the F&B and/or Rooms Division. You can be a productive employee in the kitchen, reception, service, housekeeping or other supporting departments such as the stewarding or storeroom. This experience leads to a greater understanding of operational processes, which forms the foundation for the education in stages two and three. This experience is also important for a hospitality professional starting out.

Overview First Year

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